
Losing Words

I lost my words today. Over 1700 of them. Seven pages. They just vanished due to an error when I tried to close and save my file.

Fortunately, I’d printed them, due to a similar loss last week. But now I have to type them back in again.

It’s frustrating to make progress only to slip back to where you began. Like being called for a holding penalty after a thirty yard gain.

I’ll push ahead again, but with considerably less vigor. I like to keep moving forward on my first drafts rather than edit as I go and this will slow things down a bit.

I keep telling myself that even in this the Lord is in control. He sees all my words. He knows which ones will stay and which will go. He sees the finished product when all I see are tangles and frustrations.

So I will write my words once again. As I do, I’ll marvel that the Lord gave them to me in the first place.

1 comment:

Mary DeMuth said...

I'm so glad you printed those puppies out!!!! I would have lost them FOREVER! Hang in there, my friend!