
Ready to Write

My new laptop is up and running. I’ve even recovered my old laptop’s hard drive (everything except email addresses). Thanksgiving is done. Christmas shopping is well underway.

And school reconvenes on Monday.

Ah. Music to my ears.

Although I’ve come to appreciate the time my children are not in school, by the time they go back, I’m ready. I’m ready for the familiarity of my routine, no matter how crazy. Ready to re-claim my house. Ready to settle down in the silence and write my little heart out.

My prayer has been that these past two weeks of “vacation” from working on my book (one week forced by the death of the aforementioned laptop, the other chosen to capitalize on the week off school for Thanksgiving) will make me more productive and creative when I begin again.

I hope so. At the moment, though, I can hardly remember where I left off. My characters (as I’ve heard other writers express) remain frozen in mid-stride, waiting for me to release them to finish their stories.

I can’t wait to see where they’ll take me next.

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