
ACFW 2008

For me, this year’s ACFW Conference was all about relationships: my relationship with God, my relationships with others, and my pitching relationships to agents and editors. I hardly remember going to classes, though I know I attended a few. My most memorable times were spent in conversation. Not just how-are-you, what-do-you-write conversations, but deeper communication, the relating of our lives and how God is working in them. In the prayer room, I poured my heart out to the Lord both in joy and disappointment and was answered on both occasions with the hugs and prayers of two very wonderful authors. And for the first time in my life, I felt like I pitched my book well. My words came easily and I felt comfortable sitting and talking with editors and agents with whom I had meetings. All in all, it was a great conference! 

Here are some pictures of friends old and new.

 Me and Lisa Buffaloe at the Saturday night banquet. Every time we meet face to face we connect more deeply as people and writers. 

Heather roomed with me and won the Genesis contest for Women's Fiction! Woo-hoo Heather! Gina Hernandez, a wonderful writer from Florida, completed the trio that turned Friday night dinner into a 7 hour gab session, covering every topic from marriage and kids to theology and writing!

Me with Susan Meissner at the Mall of America booksigning event. I will tell you more about Susan's book in the coming days.

Funny lady Katy McKenna. I love this woman! We met at the end of last year's conference and regretted not getting to know each other better then. This year we were able to spend a bit more time together. She is such an encourgement to me!

As I process through all that happened over the weekend, I'm sure you'll hear more about it. For now, I am content knowing I was where God wanted me to be this weekend. And I'm energized to take up the journey of writing once again.


Heather said...

I loved that Friday night conversation! You are so amazingly wise, and I still think you should write that book, Parenting for the Non-maternal. Please? There are those of us out here who need that book if we're ever to embark on that parenting thing.

Fliterary said...

Loved getting to visit with you at the conference. You are a delight!

carla stewart said...

This is so weird. As I was reading your post, I saw the pop-up thing at the bottom of my screen that you had left a comment on my blog! It was wonderful to see you again. I agree--a year is a long time between visits. The conference kept me so busy that I came home exhausted and just now ready to start looking over some of the things I learned and digging into rewrites. I know good things are going to come from your talks with editors and agents. Prayers and hugs.