
An Interview

I know my blogging has fallen by the wayside this week. Forgive me! I'm getting back on track again now.  But today, come read an interview over on my friend Mary DeMuth's blog. We're even giving away a copy of Wings of a Dream!


Wendy Paine Miller said...


I'm having trouble posting over at Mary's. But I loved the interview. I didn't know you two were critique partners, but I smiled to see it. I've respected Mary's work and how she is in this industry and I've loved getting to know you!

Your book sounds beautiful and I love what you wrote about pressing into Jesus and listening for His direction. The word press made me think of pages of the Bible.

Sincere Blessings!
~ Wendy

Anne Mateer said...

You are so sweet, Wendy. I love that press made you think of pages in the Bible. There is so much truth in that statement! We are definitely pressed into Jesus between those pages!