
An Odd Spring Break

Unless we happened to take a family vacation during spring break, that week off of school has always meant kids in and out and around the house. But for the first time, all three of our kids have different spring break weeks! 

Next week, our youngest will go on a mission trip to South Texas with the youth from our church. The week after that, our older son will either travel to Florida to visit a high school friend whose parents moved there after graduation or he’ll be with his university’s basketball team (he’s one of the student assistants) at the NAIA national tournament. And finally, the week after Easter, our daughter will road trip it to Florida with some of her sorority sisters. 

Three different spring break weeks. Three different sets of plans. No one home. Spring break--no matter whose--will feel very, very strange around my house this year. 


mandyc said...

Oh my.......this is what I needed to read today as I was worn down by my three little ones.......it's funny how God leads you to a place, seemingly random........I can't imagine 3 different spring breaks, I cannot imagine three in elementary school even...........this reminds me to enjoy these days of bubble blowing, reading books on the couch, little words and big hugs........

Anne Mateer said...

Oh, Mandy! I so remember the days where you are--when I had three kids under 4! Yes, the change comes before you know it, but each stage is precious. Honestly, in spite of the "oddness" of spring breaks this year, I feel so very content. Enjoy those little ones. Give lots of hugs and kisses and treasure every moment. Then when it is their time to fly you can let them go find their own path in life without regret. Glad you "happened" along today. Come back anytime! :)